Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Endah and Rhesa 2nd Album

Endah n Rhesa mgkn banyak yang kurang tahu dengan duo ini,tapi mgkn juga sudah banyak yang tau dan menjadi penggemar dari duo ini karena lagu-lagu mereka yang sangat nyaman untuk didengarkan menurut saya.
sedikit bercerita tentang album ke2 dari duo ini yang menurut saya lebih bagus untuk didengar dari pada album pertama, bukan berarti album pertama jelek,tapi saya lebih suka album ke2 ini.
musiknya betul2 menyenangkan,belum lagi suasana mistis yang timbul dari salah satu lagunya.
ada sembilan judul lagu dalam album ini :
1. Monkey Song
2. Remember Me
3. Midnight Sun
4. Kou Kou the Fisherman
5. Wish You Were Here
6. Mirror Spell
7. It's gone
8. The King
9. Tuimbe (Let's Sing)
kalo penasaran sama lagu2nya silahkan beli aja di http://www.endahnrhesa.com/
selamat menikmati. :)

Ini salah satu lagunya yang bejudul "Remember Me"

I’m Kou Kou the Fisherman that lives near the coast of this island
Wind and stars are my friends, they told me where to go
Life is tough, yes it’s tough, but don’t give up

I’m sailing in the sea, surviving in this blue ocean
I’m taking my fishing rod, here I am stay on my boat
Life is tough, yes it’s tough, but don’t give up

I feel the air, it whispers my name
The water is calm and it’ll be as right as rain

The time is running I said to myself , “Fish or cut bait, Kou?”
But then there’s something big, swimming towards my boat
Life is tough, yes it’s tough, but don’t give up
Life is good, yes it’s good, I’ve got food!

I’m Kou Kou the Fisherman that lives near the coast of this island
Wind and stars are my friends, they told me where to go
Life is tough, yes it’s tough, but don’t give up

I’m sailing in the sea, surviving in this blue ocean
I’m taking my fishing rod, here I am stay on my boat
Life is tough, yes it’s tough, but don’t give up

I feel the air, it whispers my name
The water is calm and it’ll be as right as rain

The time is running I said to myself , “Fish or cut bait, Kou?”
But then there’s something big, swimming towards my boat
Life is tough, yes it’s tough, but don’t give up
Life is good, yes it’s good, I’ve got food!

I’m Kou Kou the Fisherman that lives near the coast of this island
Wind and stars are my friends, they told me where to go
Life is tough, yes it’s tough, but don’t give up

I’m sailing in the sea, surviving in this blue ocean
I’m taking my fishing rod, here I am stay on my boat
Life is tough, yes it’s tough, but don’t give up

I feel the air, it whispers my name
The water is calm and it’ll be as right as rain

The time is running I said to myself , “Fish or cut bait, Kou?”
But then there’s something big, swimming towards my boat
Life is tough, yes it’s tough, but don’t give up
Life is good, yes it’s good, I’ve got food!

2 komentar:

  1. wahh.. aku punya lho albumnya..
    dapetnya gratisan pula.. :D

  2. saya jg punya,yg mini album jg ada...
